
Inside Scott Peterson's life on California's death row

Fox News Channel San Francisco bureau correspondent Claudia Cowan and producer Mike Lundin recently submitted a list of questions to San Quentin prison on inmate Scott Peterson.

Peterson, who remains on death row for the murder of his wife Laci and unborn child, was a much celebrated suspect and defendant. Initially, after being found guilty, Peterson had pictures of his wife on the walls of his cell and was known in the tabloids as "Scotty Too Hotty" for all the letters he was getting in prison from women around the country. Prison spokesman Samuel Robinson supplied the answers to the questions about the latest on the life of Peterson on death row.

He is allowed 5 hours of out of cell activities, which primarily consist of outside recreational activities (basketball, jogging, walking, and board games). Outside of the outdoor recreational activities, he is confined to his cell where he also consumes his meals.

There is nothing out of the ordinary in his cell. All inmates housed in California institutions are allowed 6 cubic feet of personal property. This can include legal documents, photos, letters, and items that they are allowed to purchase at the canteen (hygiene and allowable food items)

He has never had a job assignment since his arrival here at San Quentin.  More

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