
Court orders release of Pa. man held more than 40 years

After spending more than 45 years in prison, 82-year-old Louis Mickens-Thomas will be released Tuesday, thanks to a federal court order.

Mickens-Thomas was convicted of the 1964 murder of Edith Connor, 12, largely on the testimony of a crime-lab worker who was later discredited. The former owner of a shoe-repair shop has steadfastly maintained his innocence.

A team of lawyers, activists, and scientists has claimed for years that Mickens-Thomas might have been wrongly convicted. An Inquirer story in November documented many of those claims while focusing on the scientific evidence.

"We are thrilled that Lou will enjoy whatever years he has left in freedom," said David Rudovsky, a University of Pennsylvania law professor and one of Mickens-Thomas' lawyers.  More...   PrisonerPal.com